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Exploration Tool

What is the Exploration Tool?

The Acconeer Exploration Tool consists of a set of tools and applications to help you get started with our sensors. All you need is any of our evaluation kits (EVK), a USB cable and a PC. With a graphical interface for your PC and python-based development, it allows you to quickly start exploring the world of Acconeer’s radar sensor technology. We have references and examples in the tool for various use cases. 

For developers we recommend the full installation. If you only quickly want to evaluate the sensor, or the tool itself, the quick installation will do just fine. 

Keep in mind that we use a continuous integration policy on the tool. Make sure you keep your tool updated to take part of improvements and new functionality.


  • Get started quickly!
  • Access different use cases
  • Open Source




Linux & Windows


Windows (Beta)

What can you do with it?

The Exploration Tool assists developers and engineers in configuring, visualizing, and analysing data from Acconeer’s radar sensors, making it easier to develop applications and prototypes using our sensors and modules. 

Since it is so fast and easy to evaluate your use case using the tool, we strongly recommend this to be the starting point of your project. You can even develop your own python-based application and evaluate the results. Everything is open source.  

Acconeer’s Reference Application and Examples will provide you with a very good starting point in terms of configuring the sensor for your use case. But it is likely that your use case will require changes to the configuration or additional post-processing. 

  • Radar Sensor Configuration
  • Data Visualization
  • Data Analysis
  • Calibration
  • Development and Prototyping
  • Firmware Updates
  • Debugging and Troubleshooting

Finally. We have added a Resource Calculator (RC) to the tool. This will give you a good estimation of how much resources your application and settings will consume. You will be able to review both power consumption and memory usage. A very handy tool to learn how different configurations will affect your power and memory resources. 

For more information and details about the Expolration Tool or how to install it please go to: Exploration Tool — Acconeer docs

Tutorial videos

The intention with our tutorials is simply to give an overview of which configuration possibilities you have with the tool and what each setting will affect. For more in-depth tips and tricks, per use case, we recommend looking in our reference application section.